About this site...

I don't know how you got here (perhaps via social media, GitHub, or even a random web search) but I'm glad you made it. This website is where I write about what I'm learning, since I find that writing about something polishes my knowledge of it.

Who knows? Maybe the articles and resources I've collected are useful to you! If they are, I hope you'll let me know with an email to ethan.barry@howdytx.technology.

The site is made with the Ghost CMS, and uses my custom theme, named Adriatic. I'll finish polishing some of the files, and then put it on my GitHub, linked in the header.

About Me

  • Double majoring in Mathematics & Computer Science at the Univ. of Texas at Tyler.
  • Honored to be a part of the Honors College.
  • Hobbies include Western calligraphy, computer science, and reading cool books (about calligraphy, math, and computer science)
  • My favorite music was either written for pipe organs in cathedrals, or comes off rock albums from the '70s and '80s. It depends on what mood I'm in!